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Author: Matt Panting
Habilitation Specialist – BID Services
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CFVI Resource Hub Updated!
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Hab VI UK Conference 2025 – Tickets selling fast!
Do you need a bit of extra support/reassurance with how you teach independence skills or is it a breeze? Are you confident with zips through to air fryers and toilet training through to periods? Do you struggle to teach laces to a blind child, or can you do it with your eyes closed? Fiona Broadley’s...
Habilitation VI UK Conference 2025
We’re pleased to announce that the annual HabVIUK conference will be held on Wednesday5 March in the West Midlands. The conference will be held at the Copthorne Hotel MerryHill – Dudley DY5 1UR. Priced at £50 for HabVIUK members (£100 for non-members), thisyears conference is in-person and will include a buffet lunch, tea and coffee...
Research – Experiences of Mental Health and Education in Young People with Vision Impairment
My name is Grace Sayers-Mcgowan. I am inviting you to take part in my dissertation research “Experiences of Mental Health and Education in Young People with Vision Impairment”. I am a master’s student at UCL’s Institute of Education, where I am studying Educational Psychology. I come from a teaching background and have worked with children...
RNIB Course – Getting Started with the CFVI: Sharing Good Practice and Experiences (Part 3)
Thursday 6th June 2024 – 4–5.30pm You are invited to join us for the next in the series of CFVI focused CPD sessions, Feedback from participants who attended the last two CFVI CPD sessions in November 2023 and February 2024 identified a strong desire for collaborative working and highlighted that the sharing of experiences is...
Improving the Representation of People with Vision Impairments
HabVIUK and VIEW are really pleased to have worked with Collins publishers to ensure the accuracy of this vision impaired character in one of their new series of phonics books. They’re a great long cane user and even has the correct grip! Pick up your copy here
Home School Transport Changes
It came up in the HabVIUK Knowledge Exchange on Tuesday, that a number of local authorities are planning to remove or restrict access to home school transport for pupils of non-statutory school age. This would apply to children 0-4 in EYFS and post 16 pupils -16-18 going into sixth form. If the pupils you support...