Membership benefits

Joining Habilitation VI UK gives you the opportunity to network with other professionals in the field, exchange ideas and support each other and to access a range of  HABVIUK approved CPD.  There is one National Conference a year with speakers from a variety of different fields of work. Members  are consulted about current issues and their views represented on various bodies, groups and committees at local and National Levels.

As a member you will also have access to our database of professionals across the UK and will be able to Register as an Habilitation Specialist or Assistant if you meet the eligibility criteria.  Registration is currently free to members.  The only pathway to accessing our UK network is through our own membership. Please ensure you book through the Habilitation VI UK website.

All members will now have access to the current and previous issues of the British Journal of Visual Impairment. A key platform for sharing knowledge between practitioners and researchers working in the field of visual impairment and blindness.

HabVIUK offers specialist CPD,  training and support to members.  A list of approved HabVIUK approved CPD trainers is also available to ensure any training meets the required National Habilitation Quality Training Standards. We also have an agreement with National Education Union (NEU) to offer specialist support to HABVIUK members.

Each Region has it’s own local contact who liaises and organises training and discusses regional issues with the national executive.  In addition there is a Mentoring Service for those working in isolation or struggling with a particular issue.

PayPal online payment system is now available.  Once your payment is received your online account will be activated. Please note we do not have joint membership with any other organisation. Membership is solely with Habilitation VI UK


 Registration onto the Register of Qualified Habilitation Specialists:

To secure your place on the Register is different from joining as a Member. HAB VI UK have two databases which are both online – one for membership and one for the Register. They do not necessarily correlate – so one does not automatically become the other. When a newly qualified Professional pays their membership they will be placed on the Membership Database only.  They will then need to complete a 12 month probationary period at the end of which, a supporting letter from their mentor/supervisor or manager, in addition to their  copy of their Professional Qualification Certificate as well as a recognised certificate of UEB Braille Unit 1 Lessons 1-14 needs to be sent to our registrations officer (, who will check the validity of the presented paperwork.  Once this is approved, the Member will then qualify to be placed onto the Register.  HAB VI UK will then need their consent if they wish to be placed onto the online Register. We will only accept members onto the Register if they have completed the Habilitation course at either BCU or UCL Universities respectively.  You can still become a member if you have other qualifications, but you will not be placed on the Register of Qualified Habilitation Specialists.

*Please note – Habilitation VI UK welcomes new members into our large network of professionals working in education.  The only pathway to accessing our UK network is through our own membership.  Please ensure you register through the Habilitation VI UK website

If you would like more information, please contact us

£40 for 1 Year
Annual subscription to Habilitation VI UK
£40 for 1 Year
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