Standard member

Annual subscription to Habilitation VI UK


  1. RonakG7th March 2017

    Already paid at conference


  2. KathStinton5th April 2017

    I have already paid at conference. I have re-registered due to change of surname.

  3. AngelaHarris30th January 2018

    Hi, I paid last year by cheque and my fees are now due, can I please pay at the conference?
    2017 Membership fee for Habilitation VIUK
    Amount Paid £35.00
    Name: Angela Harris
    Signed: G Underwood
    Date: 30 January 2018
    Organisation: Guide Dogs

    c/o Mobility Service
    Priestley Smith School
    Beeches Road
    Great Barr
    B42 2PY

  4. February 2018

    One of my team will pay for me at the conference as sadly I am unable to make it this year.
    Thanks for the reminder

  5. Fiona Broadley25th February 2018

    Hi, yes, you can pay at the conference.

  6. gill5th March 2018

    Hi Angela

    Yes pay at conference



  7. AliS16th April 2018

    Have already paid – creating online account

  8. Suzanne Guy18th June 2018

    can you tell me who to make my cheque out to please?

  9. alison0324th June 2019

    Already paid at conference

  10. IngaRayner24th June 2019

    I paid at the Birmingham conference to be a member but do not have a log on yet. Please could you let me know when one is set up for me?
    Also I am a student and hadn’t realized there was a lower rate. Would it be possible for this to be looked into for me? I paid £35.00.
    Many thanks
    Inga Rayner

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