Hab VI UK Virtual Conference 2022

We are delighted to announce our first conference of the year will take place on Wednesday 2nd March 2022! Once again, this year’s conference will be held virtually. The theme of this year’s online HabVIUK conference is Early Years. Our speakers this year are fantastic, with Andrew Miller, lead optometrist at Birmingham Focus as our keynote speaker.

We welcome both members and non-members to attend. The conference will be free for members and £50 for non-members. This conference counts towards your CPD requirements.

We look forward to seeing you there!

*Booking in advance is essential- Bookings close on the 25th February 2022


9:15 – Sign in and admission
9:30 – Welcome – Hab VI UK business updates / Q&A session for delegates
10:00 – Andrew Miller – Understanding Functional Vision Testing
11:00 – Coffee break
11:15 – Mary Atkinson – Story Massage
11:50 – Lottie Hickie – Baby Massage
12:00 – Lunch break
12:30 – Welcome back
12:35 – Jenny Lane from Guide Dogs – My Time to Play
13:05 – Leg stretch break
13:10 – Hab tracker
13:45 – Professor Naomi Dale – Children with Vision Impairment: Assessment, development & Management
14:30 – Closing Comments – Angela Wood
14:35 – Close

How to register/attend

1.) Click here to go the Eventbrite ticket page
2.) Click Tickets then select either a member or non-member ticket via the quantity drop down menu
3.) Click Checkout
4.) Members – Fill out your registration details then click Register (*Note – double check your email address is correct!).
Non-members – Fill out your registration and payment details then click Place order
5.) Sit back and relax! You will receive a link to view the conference a few days before it starts, plus a reminder email the day before.

*Note – We recommend registering for an Eventbrite account, this will make it easier to sign up for and manage future Hab VI events. You will also find the link to join the conference from your account.

Joining/Using Teams

  • It is not essential to have the Teams app installed on your device as the conference can be viewed from a web browser.
  • During the conference your camera/microphone will be disabled by default.
  • Throughout the conference, please feel free to use the Chat function to discuss the topics with other attendees.
  • At the end of each presentation there will be a Q&A. if you have any questions for our speakers, pop your question in the Chat and one of our moderators/hosts will read out your question.
  • We will be recording the conference; members will be able to re-watch all the presentations on our website a few weeks after the conference ends,

If you have any queries or problems please get in touch: secretary@habilitationviuk.org.uk

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